Bootcamp Agenda
DAY 1:
We will Plot a Course of at least 10 Foreclosure properties to visit.
We will do comps on the properties we plan to visit.
We will learn the formulas for making offers.
We will learn how to structure offers on pre-foreclosure, bankruptcy, probate, owner financing, and Sub-To deals.
DAY 2:
We will spend the day visiting foreclosures and finding as many “Hidden Market” properties as possible.
We will be knocking on doors and offering to buy from distressed property owners.
We will be looking for and finding vacant unlisted houses.
We will be inspecting, estimating, and analyzing actual properties.
DAY 3:
We will be processing the properties we found on day two.
We will be doing ownership searches.
We will be doing title searches, looking for liens and judgements.
We will be structuring offers per property situation.
Tony will also teach you all the possible ways to contact these owners…without knocking on the door. If you don’t like door knocking, you will learn other methods to get these great deals.
You will learn how to find ”hidden market properties” ( = no For Sale sign, no advertising, no competition), and you will know exactly what to do. You will be actually working the business as it happens. Tony gets you involved in the process where you know you really can do each part of it.
This is a real-world, hands-on training. A unique, one-of-a-kind opportunity.